The All New SportCombi Calendar 2015


Following the last year’s success! The All New Calendar for 2015 will soon be available. Price is 149KR SEK + shipping 48KR SEK Sweden, 80KR SEK E.U, 92KR U.S.A. Payment via Paypal.

If you are interested e-mail: with your name and address. All calendars will be shipped in the beginning of December.

This Facebook page and the website is all non-profit. Any commercial made for Saab dealers are pure goodwill. The first year payment this domain name and hosting was made by me admin, second year was made by Autohaus Lafrentz, thanks! If there are any funds left on the 2015 calendar they will go for next years domain and hosting cost, thank you!

Closer to Perfection!

A few months ago, I wrote an article for “SAABberichten” (the official magazine of the Dutch SAAB Club) called “Close to Perfection“. It described the many different steps I had taken to enhance and preserve my car since I acquired it in December 2012, ranging from rust protection to new Edge rims and a complete makeover from Vector to Aero trim. Close to perfection indeed but could it get any better?

The Vector to Aero upgrade at Autohaus Lafrentz in Kiel ©2014
The Vector to Aero upgrade at Autohaus Lafrentz in Kiel in November 2013 ©2014

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