2014, 2015 and now 2016!!! š The calendar is soon here! You can pre-order your calendar directly and delivery will take place before christmas. We have some new and really fantastic photos in theĀ calendar. And also if youĀ“re not Swedish you can keep track of Swedish holidays.
This years bonus is that you also get the Sportcombi brochure included with the calendar! Very rare brochure! š Click here for pdf version.
Big calendar! 30×45 cm! The price is 229 KR SEK + shipping 56Ā KR SEKĀ in Sweden, 98KR SEK Europe + USA. Sorry shipping is very expensive in Sweden.
To order a calendar just send an e-mail to: info@9-5sc2012.com with your name and adress. Payment is easily made via Paypal, any credit card. Please make payment asap. But please allow 20 days for delivery. There are only 40 calendars for sale!