…and farewell to 9-5sc2012.com…

For over a decade, 9-5sc2012.com has been a cornerstone of the Saab community, offering news, insights, and a gathering place for 9-5NG SportCombi enthusiasts worldwide. However, as the years passed, the frequency of new updates dwindled, signalling the need for a fresh start.
On behalf all Saab fans, a heartfelt thank you to Marcus Bergfeldt for his work in founding and nurturing 9-5sc2012.com the first years! His dedication and passion have significantly contributed to the Saab community. Marcus continues to inspire and inform Saab enthusiasts through his Saab channel on YouTube, where his commitment to the brand and its fans remains unwavering.
With the new www.saab9-5sportcombi.com site, we aim to bring you a revitalized, sleek Saab-worthy experience with a URL that’s easier to remember and a format that better suits the evolving digital landscape.
The transition to Saab9-5SportCombi.com has been involving countless hours of hard work and dedication. While we bid farewell to the old site, we are excited to bring select content from 9-5sc2012.com over to the new platform. This means that many of the cherished articles, insights, and stories that made the old site special will move to www.saab9-5sportcombi.com over the coming weeks and months. And if you have any content enhancement suggestions, own a Saab 9-5NG SportCombi yourself and/or have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch! info@saab9-5sportcombi.com