Saab Sportcombi Aero 9-5 2.0 Turbo4 XWD [FJP125].
NR. 12: YS3GR5BZ8C9000012. KVD:563548.
Sold in auction 2013-06-07- 328 000 KR.
Current location: Magdeburg, Germany.
See auction details (in Swedish only):
The last car from the United States.
This car has been in the U.S. and at SPNA. The vehicle was not a show car, but rather an engineering test vehicle. The vehicle was stored in Royal Oak, MI and then at the new SPNA offices in Troy, MI until a decision was made as to what to do with it. It was shipped back to Sweden in the Spring of 2013, where it was sold at a special KVD auction following the Saab Festival in June.